Monday, June 16, 2014

summer ramblings

last week was the end of the school year for us. i still can't believe how busy that last week always is... so busy... and so fast. today is our first "real" day of summer... in schedule anyway. i did wake up to rain this morning... but i'll take it. i just keep reminding myself that each time it rains everything will stay green that much longer. i can appreciate that.

this amazing bounty was just dropped off randomly by one of my outstanding mother-in-laws. seriously, when it comes to fabulous in-laws... i hit the jackpot. 

i got a bunch of wood chairs at a local resale shop for $5 a piece. i have plans to sand/prime/paint them all the same color and create myself a cute matching set of outdoor furniture. i have a lot of plans for painting this summer actually. i just got a new desk for layla as well... solid wood... $35. my plan is to paint it white and then paint a chair teal (to match with her dresser and bedstand). my plan the whole time with my search for the right desk was to paint it white. then i got it home and matt said "you can't paint that... it's good wood".... deep exasperated sigh.... those are his famous last words (along with many other people). the book i just finished reading "the nesting place" actually brought up this exact subject. i will paint that desk. i am just going to paint a couple other things first. i'll post a pic of the desk at some point relatively soon so you can tell me what you think... just don't tell me i can't paint it... okay? :)

have i mentioned how much the little things make me happy? a pot of sunflowers to brighten an old shed (with big plans in it's future). a metal watering can found at a local thrift shop... i  have been looking for a metal watering can small enough for the little ones to carry (all of the little ones seem to be made of plastic these days). 

i found a great new way to dry out maiko's boots... which his little sisters love to fill with water... hence the need to drain/dry them often.

then there's this guy... who loves chopping wood... and also volunteers to unload hay trucks for the local feed n seed just for fun... love him.

i also carved this stamp recently for my cousins wedding in august... i need to finish the date stamp and get these mailed to them. that stump motif is actually from geninne's book "making an impression" and i just added the heart and initials... which i also can not take credit for... it was my aunt's idea. it certainly turned out cute though. also, since we are now on the stamp subject... my veggie stamp giveaway is still open. i will close it thursday night. 


  1. Wow! Is all that produce from your in-laws garden?!
    Beautiful bounty!
    And once again, you are amazing me with those stamps. Adorable!!

    Happy week to you! I'm sending some California sunshine your way! :)

  2. Oh my gosh - yours and mine must have been separated at birth. Last year we had a huge maple tree taken down in our backyard & he split every log by hand. I suggested he might rent a log splitter but he reckoned a splitting maul was cheaper. (And even adding in the unexpected trip to urgent care & the sutures when he split his shin open, it still was less than the rental would have I guess he was right on that count.) He grew up on a farm & worked in a warehouse store when we were first married, and he says he misses using his body to work now that he sits at a desk all day...

    I love that stamp. (Do I say that every time you show a stamp you've made?) xo

  3. summer- no! it's not from there garden... she has one... but here on the oregon coast they are just barely getting started :) they are fisherman, and she traded salmon to an organic farmer and brought home a bounty! and thank you! i can't wait for that sunshine to get here ;)

    meghann- that is too funny! my matt sits at a desk all day too, and also grew up working like that. he says that it helps his back a lot. and thank you :) i'm so glad you always like the stamps..

    ... both of you :)
