Saturday, July 11, 2009

false alarm

last wednesday i was working around the house and kept thinking, i might be having contractions... hours later i was sure they were contractions and they were consistent... it was getting late so we decided to pack up and head to lebanon. the whole way over to lebanon i was timing them and they were two minutes apart, not painful at all though so i knew it must be early labor but i thought "this is it." when we got to lebanon it was like 11:30 and i called the hospital and they told me to try and get some sleep and come in when they got painful... so, we put the kids to bed and i went to bed (still having contractions). at some point during my sleep the contractions stopped. i went to my dr to get checked the next day and i was only 1 maybe 2 cm dialated... i was surprised... when i had layla i had similar contractions and dialated to 5 cm... but every pregnancy is different! so, i am curious what my next experience with labor will be... and i will find out very soon! can't wait to meet this baby girl and get my abdomen back :)

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