Saturday, January 1, 2011

keeping the holidays at home

every year i am reminded how fortunate we are to have such wonderful friends and family. you have all been so thoughtful and so understanding of our need to slow things down and start our own holiday traditions at home. many of you made a trip this way to visit or sent your love and kind thoughts in some way or another. we love you, and though we really miss seeing you all over the holidays i am discovering more and more how important it really is for us to slow down and enjoy this important family time together while our children are still small. i can't believe the many ways they are already growing up much too fast. i think we will continue to slow the holidays down as much as we can each year so we can truly savor this time with our children, but i want to make more of an effort to see everyone over the coarse of the year instead of the current squeezing everyone in over the holidays mindset. so, with the passing of christmas, the year 2011 already upon us, and welcoming a new addition to our ever growing family... i send my love and wishes for everyone of you, may this be your best year yet!

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