Friday, August 29, 2014

all that is now

dry grass, dry wood, ripe apples, the faint smell of smoke from an outdoor fire, children running amuck and dirty at twilight... instead of inside finishing their dinner... clean and ready for bed.

waiting on the rain. with equal amounts of anticipation in both welcome and unwelcome ways. there is an eagerness for it because of what it brings... and there is a hope for just a little more time... as there is still so much to be done before said rain comes.

there is a lot of anxious excitement over the quick approach of another school year... with all four attending at certain points of the day... this mama will find herself with a (two and a half hour) morning reprieve four days of the week.

and then there is the harvest...
such an important part of this season. an extremely rewarding (and sometimes very overwhelming) task. it is such a beautiful thing to witness so many people becoming so involved in the growth and preservation of their own food. i am constantly in awe as i witness all of the possibilities.
 what a wonderful feeling it is to be inspired.


  1. oh what a lovely collection of the busy-ness the end of summer brings.... it looks similar here at my house :) boxes of veggies waiting to be put into jars and firewood freshly stacked....

  2. yes :) it is so lovely... and so busy :) thank you so much for the lovely package it made my day in absolutely the best way! headed your way now to give you a proper thank you :)

  3. Oh Jenny! It certainly looks like fall where you live! Beautiful! Loving all the preserving. I wish I knew what I was doing when it came to preserving but that's one area I really need help with and a lot of practice. I will live vicariously through you this year. ;)

  4. :) summer! it is certainly much easier when you have someone to introduce you to it! both of my mother-in-laws are avid preservers. you could always start with water bath canning though... not as much of an investment and there are a lot of great recipes and a ton of information online... if your interested :)

  5. lovely, friend. the harvest and the time to yourself. UGH! I need it to. I get nearly 6 straight hours now and while there was a time I thought I would hate it, now I simply NEED it.
    Love the chalkboard. Everyday I think about how I need one in the kitchen. Alas, no walls.

  6. I meant...I need it TOO (not to.) I hate my typos.

  7. i hear you cory! it's bitter sweet :) but yes... i need it too. you know... you could always put a chalkboard on your kitchen cupboards... :)
