Thursday, February 19, 2015

things to love in february

homemade valentines... a wonderful excuse to put creating first.

another child that can write her name all by herself.

and still another that is very close behind.

my very own valentines for a sweet group of kids... signed miss jenny... so fun.

and a photo taken by my oldest daughter of my son presenting me with my birthday cake as the rest of my loves gathered around me and sang for my happy day.

oh february, so many things to love.


  1. Love all those colorful butterflies!! February has been sweet, hasn't it?!

  2. Happy birthday!

    Looks like you are enjoying February :)

  3. i am enjoying it :) it has been so sweet!

  4. February is a sweet birthday month in our family, too. I love the simplistic and colorful nature of your valentines. My five-year-old make 30 valentines out of stickers and construction paper and then left them on the kitchen table the morning of his class party. Sigh. Those butterflies sure are cute.

  5. oh no! i can imagine how frustrating it would be to forget them after all that work... such a bummer.
