Wednesday, June 15, 2016

... and suddenly it's june

I carved this stamp for the incredible stephinie of sweet brier farms (formerly known as gypsy forest).
I have admired stephinie's work for a very long time and was so excited when she contacted me. She is beginning an herbal adventure, and she wanted a stamp to print their muslin herb bags. I immediately pictured something circular with leaves crawling up the sides. It's so fun to get to be a small part of something so special.

A new project.... sheet metal and an old frame... will share more soon.

Dirty knees and tired toes.
Another new project... project "building a chicken coop outside of the yard".
He tore out the overgrown shrubbery. He's leveling the land. He is going to put in a new fence and gate that the chickens can't get through, and then he will build a coop out there. 

The ground is recovering nicely from last summer's project.

The annual mountain bike race and my three racers. So proud of them.

This year was something else. It picked up a speed that I had not yet traveled at. Looking back I am so glad for all of the experience, inspiration, and insight it gave me... but OH!... I am so ready to take a step back from that commitment and slow down for a while.


  1. The yard looks great! The stamp is beautiful and will look perfect on the bags - I hope things are slowing down for you - I think we just passed our extra busy time of year - so ready for some slow time too. Glad all is well. xo

  2. You created a lovely stamp!! Someone looks very tired in that chair. So cute! Glad to see kids being active. We finally are going to have temps in the 90's here in ND. Hope Summer continues to be great for you and the family!!

  3. I LOVE the stamp- it is really beautiful and so sweet.
    hope all is well in your world!
    xo from nc
