Sunday, January 24, 2010

cardboard castle fun

knight maiko had a brilliant idea yesterday morning to make a castle out of a cardboard box. he gathered all the materials scissors, crayons, and a big cardboard box. he started to try and cut the box with his kid safety scissors and after about thirty seconds stopped and asked me to help :) so using some adult scissors i cut the top of the castle (see above). it's amazing how that little bit of simple cutting already made it look so much like a castle. then i took an exacto knife and cut out the drawbridge and we used a hole punch to put some holes for tying the yarn (so the drawbridge can be pulled up and down). then we colored it with some crayons, which is really hard to see in the dark picture. this simple little castle has been the subject of hours and hours of play though. i recommend making one for your children or grandchildren, so fun (and so easy)!


  1. Genius!!! It's always better to have them use their imaginations for hours instead of hours of TV...Good Job!

  2. That's so great Jenny! You have creative kids and I'm so glad you encourage them and do it with them! Hooray!
