Saturday, September 18, 2010

a princess photo shoot

costume and pictures all thanks to auntie rebecca :)

we've been a little under the weather lately... well... me and matt that is... luckily the kids stayed perfectly healthy. it's amazing how much easier it is to contain an illness when just the adults get it. we are so much better at "keeping our germs to ourselves" :) we did manage to go to maiko's soccer game today, in the rain of course. what a great game, it is so exciting watching maiko get to do something he's so good at. i am so impressed with how much he's already improved and i promise to get pictures at next weeks game. it was hard enough just taking all three to the game in the rain for us, we're still recovering :)


  1. What incredible pictures!!! I had to put the one where the dress consumed the pic on my desk top....she is sooooo beautiful in that one especially! Great Job Rebecca!
