Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This crazy life

Well... My computer is out of service again and this time it's for good. I'm lucky though because lisa is letting me borrow her iPad. it's been so fun getting to experience this new adventure but goodness i am having quite the time trying to use it to update my blog! I have many adorable pictures that Rebecca took during her visit that I can not seem to post no matter how hard I try. And then there is that little problem of having to type on a computer screen.... Wow! I will probably just have to learn to use matts computer to post on here. At least now you know why I've been absent. Hope to post again soon with lots of great photos!


  1. i hope your computer gets up and running again! :)

  2. thanks britt! it's out for good... the screen shorted out. but with christmas and my birthday right around the corner.. i don't think i'll be computerless too long!
