Thursday, January 12, 2012

photos of my family

matt's sister took these photos when she visited in november. i love these photos. i love the way that she not only got the perfect everyone smiling shots (which is very difficult with a family of six), but also the talking/laughing/acting like we normally do shots. those are my favorites. she is very talented. now, you might be wondering why it took me so long to share them. well... do you remember when my computer went out? that happened just a few short days after i got these lovelies on my hard drive. yup. my screen actually shorted out. the computer turned on and still technically worked, but you couldn't see a thing. the really funny part is how matt fixed it. he took my computer screen and whacked it really hard on the back about five times and the screen came on. then he said something along the lines of "as a last resort, giving your electronics a few hard whacks is always worth a try." of course.... why didn't i think of that?


  1. Hi,
    your blog is really nice. Keep on!


  2. thank you susanne! it's always so nice to hear some encouraging words!

  3. Great family pics! You have such a beautiful family Jenny!!

  4. thanks amanda! we really miss you guys!
