Tuesday, February 14, 2012

in the moment...

life has been so busy.... between school, dance, swim lessons, and the various colds each day seems to pass as quickly as it comes. besides all that.... here is a little bit of what has been happening in our days.

  • i completed phase one of eislee's doll hair. then i left the ball of yarn a little too low and found it completely tangled and useless... ugh! went back to the store where i bought it to find that they aren't carrying that color anymore.... double ugh!! then i found it on amazon... eight dollars shipping for three dollar yarn... make that a triple ugh!!! but it is on its way and i will post pictures soon of the progress (and i found cheaper shipping).
  • we made some of these love bug valentines and these friendship bracelet valentines they were so much fun! i know it's a little late but check them out and bookmark them for next year... she has so many wonderful ideas.
  • i am extremely excited about all of the reading that's been happening around here... such a fun thing to witness. you can witness a little in the photos above... so sweet.
  • all of the bulbs that i planted in fall are beginning to peek out of the ground (yes, yes, yes!!) and it really makes me want to get out there and do a little weeding and plant some of those summer bulbs i saw in the store yesterday.... hmmm.
  • i highly recommend swimming lessons in winter. in the summer the hot stuffy air inside the pool is almost unbearable but in winter it actually feels pretty amazing.
  • little miss ollie jane is crawling everywhere, pulling up, walking along the couch, and standing here and there... i do believe walking is not far behind.
  • remember jump rope on the playground? and cat's cradle? yo-yo's? good stuff. i'm teaching maiko and layla how to jump rope.... they love it! do you remember any of the little rhymes or games? unfortunately i only remember the inappropriate ones (go figure). but if you remember any and could share them in the comments maybe? we would really appreciate it!


  1. HAHAHA!! I can't remember any rhymes off hand but I would like to hear the one you remember! :) Maybe you could google it and see if there are any online

  2. Oh and Layla can read?!!!?!?! That is awesome!!

  3. yes! layla is reading it's so exciting :) she has always loved books sooo much! that is a great idea about googling the rhymes! so funny, i didn't even think of it... and i google everything :) i remember two... one is about having lots of babies.... hahaha.... and the other has multiple curse words.... so not teaching those to my children :) oh, the things you learn in school! miss you :)

  4. Yeah I would leave the one with curse words out too :)
    I miss you too!! I can't wait to come visit!! When is the kids last day of school this year? I have been making that africa stew when ever we have people come visit and everyone loves it!! Have you tried any new dishes that you guys really like? I am always looking for new things to make!

  5. awesome! that's a good one :) i love that soup :) i can't think of any great recipes off the top of my head but i will keep you in mind when i'm looking and if i come across something good i will share the link with you :) the kids get out like the first week of june this year (i think). i can't wait!
