Thursday, January 17, 2013

flowers and babies

  • cappuccino in one of my new dishes.... it's like a beautiful rainbow in my cupboards
  • dried straw flowers from my mother in law's garden and a pincushion made by eislee's teacher brighten my desk
  • paperwhites in my windowsill make the entire room smell of sweet flowers.... aaahhh
  • and a special visit from my sister, brother in law, and new nephew.... oh, baby snuggles.... he really is as sweet as he looks. there is nothing like a newborn baby.

life is full of sweet little things and i am loving them.


  1. I'm liking the look of your blog! Your nephew looks sooooooo cute. You've crossed my mind a few times lately. I live in Toledo now you know. Above Arcadia Elementary school. Hope you're well,

  2. holly! thank you! we should get together! i'm going to email you right now! :)

  3. Awe :) such sweet photos :) I remember these :) -Amb
