Thursday, July 17, 2014

home and away

my camera died after the quilt show and i forgot my charger... go figure

we traveled into the mountains with family last weekend. it was a wonderful trip. we went to a quilt show in the most adorable little town. we played family games of badminton and croquet. we swam in the pool... a lot... and it was HOT... it felt so wonderful to experience some heat. we relaxed. we watched old movies (vhs movies). we gathered together with even more family that we hadn't seen in quite a while. it was truly a wonderful trip, and we are hoping to plan another (longer) one before the summer is over.

but of course... coming home was just as wonderful as getting away.
we realized that badminton was a blast with a now 8 and almost 10 year old... and had to get our own set for the backyard. we didn't think about the wind we get though... so our games are always a little off... but still perfectly fun. and now with the next two weeks at home (although still very busy) i'm hoping to find some time to slow down and enjoy some creative time.


  1. Looks like a wonderful time with family. Great pictures and the color is beautiful.

    Happy weekend!


  2. That quilt show looks amazing! I loved that dreaming in color banner so much I pinned it. Hope you don't mind. Happy Summer! Looks like so far its been a delightful one!

  3. wow. those quilts! AMAZING! so much time and love...

    It's nice to go away and it's nice to get home, right?
    Have a great start to your week and thank you for the lovely comments on my blog Always great to see you there.

  4. thanks ladies :) i appreciate your comments so much! always little lights in my day.

    -and summer- i would never mind :)

  5. in fact... i'm flattered that you pinned my picture :)

  6. I love to see the world through your eyes. It always makes my day a happier!
