Friday, December 4, 2015

tree hunting

  i wanted to share this little moment from yesterday... i think it speaks for itself.


  1. So sweet Jenn! Maiko is so awesome!!! Yay tree! Layla didn't want to wear a hat? They look like little elves ;)

  2. oh my goodness........ SO sweet! love these, thanks for sharing.

  3. Very sweet.
    What a great sequence of photos - you really did not need to add words.

  4. What beautoful moments... oh, those last 3 just tug at my heart.
    I hope you found the perfect tree!

  5. So sweet!! Happy days to you all!!

  6. thank you everyone! we have the most hilarious tree story now... hopefully i will find time soon to share that here.
    amber- layla decided to join the little elf party on the way out the door and didn't think to grab a hat (don't worry she wasn't feeling to cool to be an elf). :)
