Tuesday, January 3, 2012

a beginning... and an end

i love the beginning of a new year. it is so full of possibilities. and after the speed and chaos of the holidays it actually feels like time slows down a little. truly creating the illusion of even more possibilities. i am really excited about what this year will bring.
when i look back on 2011... it feels a bit like a blur. the year started with our sweet ollie and everything after that just kind of blends together. i think it was the fastest year of my life. i don't believe that the speed of this year was set by the mere act of having four children... i believe it had to do with the ages that the four children were... and that gives me hope that the future will not go by quite so fast. 
the photos above of ollie and layla were taken on one of those fast days. i was right in the middle of about a million things and ollie was crying because she was tired and wanted me to hold her. so i thought "well, i will just finish switching this load of laundry and then i will go hold her" then all of a sudden her crying stopped. it's a bit sad that her silence is what finally pulled me away from my tasks, but alas, that is the life of a fourth child i suppose. what i found was the heart melting scene in the photos above. layla snuggled ollie to sleep and fell fast asleep herself. they really are a special pair. and luckily they encouraged me to stop for a moment and grab the camera so i can savor that sweet moment forever. i think my new years resolution is to slow down and not let life sneak by so quickly. i do not want to look back at 2012 and see a blur.
how about you? what are your thoughts for this brand new year?


  1. What a sweet big sister!!! Great pictures Jenny!!

  2. thanks amanda :) it was a really beautiful moment... glad i caught it. we really miss you guys! let us know next time your in the area :)

  3. We miss you guys too!! The kids and I will be coming to oregon at the end of May. Then we are going to try and get Shane there for his birthday week. His 30th bday is June 16th. I will keep in touch with you about it.

  4. yay!!! yes, we will make plans... can't wait!

  5. Shane got the time off for his birthday!!! We are wanting to plan a night at the Kennedy School in Portland on the 16th. It would be really awesome if you and Matt could get a room and stay there too!!
